Dont leave

I was An interen at hasbro and they made a episode called my little pony dont leave I was suprised at the title they said that this episode was one i needed to watch so i watched it and it started with static for 5 minutes then i saw pinky pie with hyper realistic eyes and hyper realistic blood i almost vommitted she then started to killing her friends she was sad and she said don t leave and then pinkie pie with hyper-realistic eyes and blood falling from her eyes and it said 666 on the screen for 5 secoonds then i tryed to turned it off but it wouldn't turn off then pinkie pie killed her last frend luna and then shekilled luna and ate her instenties and jumped out the screen and killled the interns but now she killed me and now im in hell but now Your next...Your next for reading this oh oh she's comingf or me because i didn't right this in the right time oh oh Oh no!! Your next...Reader....